Save money, and replace Visio, Lucidchart, Lucidspark, and Miro with a SmartDraw enterprise license.
SmartDraw is a more complete, all-in-one app with fully-featured diagramming, whiteboarding, and data visualization
Miro is primarily a digital whiteboard tool built for collaboration. Miro's toolset reflects this. You get creative brainstorming tools, but only very basic diagramming capabilities. Building diagrams in MIro can feel tedious and slow.
SmartDraw on the other hand specializes in diagramming with tools that makes creating even complex diagrams is easy. It's the only app that provides both flexibility and automation specific to the type of visual you're creating. SmartDraw makes it easy to add shapes, add text, and move shapes so everything remains formatted as expected. SmartDraw also applies these smarts to building digital whiteboards. You'll get both diagramming and whiteboard capability in a single tool.
SmartDraw has wealth of templates and symbols that let you create diagrams of all kinds.
Easily create:
Unlike Miro, which relies on basic shapes or requiring you to know which additional apps to install to get more symbols, SmartDraw's extensive symbol library is already docked to every template and easily searchable for all the technical, custom symbols your diagram may require.
Like Miro, SmartDraw also offers a seamless workspace that lets you combine multiple different visual types. You can do free-form brainstoming while also adding a roadmap or discussing a retrospective with your team.
You can even bring in visuals based on external data. For example:
SmartDraw whiteboarding AI works behind the scenes to make your team's collaborative experience seamless. Add sticky notes and containers will automatically expand and make room for new ideas without any manual repositioning. Double-click in a brainstorm to add a sticky note automatically. Move notes around the board and any other shapes will adjust automatically. You'll never have to pause brainstorming to draw or reformat your board.
Taking automation to the next level, SmartDraw can even build certain types of diagrams from data including org charts, class diagrams, entity-relationship diagrams, and more.
You can also assign any shape a set of fields and values to enhance your diagram with shape data. This lets you or anyone you share your visual with drill down into details without cluttering the diagram visually. Exporting this data can help generate manifests for office plans, network designs, and more.
Shape data can also be used to change the appearance of your diagram dynamically to communicate to your team if a task is at risk or if a person in an organizational chart is underperforming.
Miro doesn't have anything that compares.
SmartDraw integrates fully with the tools you already use. You can export your diagram directly to Word®, Excel®, PowerPoint®, or any Google Workspace™ app or Atlassian's Confluence or Jira. Create a presentation or report with better visuals and impress your clients.
Miro was built for collaboration, but SmartDraw also makes collaboration easy with comments, notes, and custom templates that help keep your team on the same page.
Unlike Miro, SmartDraw also lets you collaborate on a visual by letting you connect to where you already collaborate and save files in your organization. You can work on visuals from OneDrive®, SharePoint, Google Drive™, and more.
There is no need to create a parallel set of common folders and permissions, SmartDraw can just save files directly into your existing set up.
Discover for yourself why SmartDraw is the most complete visual app.