AWS Architecture Diagram Maker

Generate an AWS diagram from your Amazon Web Services data automatically

The Easy Choice: SmartDraw's AWS Diagram Tool

Easy to Use

SmartDraw lets you connect to your AWS account and visualize your existing network infrastructure automatically. All you have to do is authenticate with AWS using your AWS Secret and Key Tokens and select the region you want to visualize. You'll be able to see your VPCs, Availability zones, and subnets. You can even modify this diagram in collaboration with your team to help plan and optimize a new set up using SmartDraw's AWS symbols.

If you want to visualize Azure? SmartDraw works as an Azure diagram tool too.

Easy to Import Visio

SmartDraw has best in class Visio® import so you never have to recreate network documentation that already exists. You can import VDX, VSD, and VSDX files and Visio stencils. Once imported, you can continue to edit and modify these diagrams like they were native to SmartDraw.

Easy to Find the Right Symbols

SmartDraw comes with a complete collection of the industry standard symbols for AWS and Azure, but you can draw network diagram of all kinds. You can search for vendor specific routers, switches, hubs, and gateways. You can also find symbols for vendor-neutral shapes for work stations, servers, clients, or peripheral devices.


Easy to Work With Other Apps

SmartDraw is easy to work with no matter what other apps you use. You can add AWS diagrams to:

  • Microsoft Office®
    • Word®
    • PowerPoint®
    • Excel®
  • Microsoft Teams®
  • Google Workspace
    • Google Docs
    • Google Sheets
  • Atlassian apps
    • Confluence
    • Jira

Easy to Save to Your Existing Storage Solution

SmartDraw works hand in glove with most file storage systems. You can save your AWS diagrams directly to:

  • SharePoint®
  • OneDrive®
  • Google Drive
  • DropBox®
  • Box®

There is no need to create a parallel set of common folders and permissions, SmartDraw can just save files directly into your existing set up. SmartDraw gives you peace of mind that your team will work in the secure environment of your choice.

Easy to Share

Share your AWS diagram with anyone using a link, even if they don't own a copy of SmartDraw. You can also easily export any network design as a PDF or common image formats like PNG or SVG.

Easy to Share

Easy to Get Help

Have a question? Chat or email us. SmartDraw support is in-house and free!

SmartDraw Support

Easy Collaboration

You can make AWS diagrams to plan, design, or audit an architecture before or after deploy. The AWS diagram you generate may be used to communicate and collaborate with your team or it may end up in a technical whitepaper or presentation.

SmartDraw makes it easy to work together on the same diagram and share comments and feedback.

SmartDraw also works where you already communicate with your team. You can collaborate on AWS diagrams in Microsoft Teams®, Slack or Confluence.

Collaborate on AWS Diagrams

Enrich AWS Diagrams with Shape Data

AWS diagrams in SmartDraw are automatically enhanced with a set of fields and values known as shape data. These show in the data panel and in a tool tip on the shape itself.

You can click on the blue "i" icon on each shape to view its metadata. This will contain information about each resource, like instance type, operation status, stack name and a whole lot more.

This lets you or anyone you share your document with drill down into details about the information the shape represents without having to clutter the shape itself with the same information.

You can also make the colors and other attributes of a shape depend on the values of its data using Data Rules. For example, you can use data rules to change a shape to show high utilization of a component in your AWS set up.

Shape data lets you to use a network diagram as a dashboard or a single source of truth for troubleshooting with your IT team.

Shape Data with Network Diagrams

AWS Architecture Diagram Examples

Since SmartDraw includes AWS diagram generation automatically, you'll probably start by connecting to your AWS account to create a diagram instead of a template. The examples below are just to show you what's possible. You can also build your diagram manually using included AWS symbols if you find that works better for your purposes.

Replace Visio® and Lucidchart with an Enterprise License

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Discover why SmartDraw is the ideal AWS diagram maker.

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